Ivanov Vladimir V.

Ivanov Vladimir V., Doctor of physics and mathematics, Leading Scientist, Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia


  • Hirsh #(WoS): 28
  • WoS ResearcherID: J-5979-2014
  • Scopus ID: 7404810195
  • ORCID: 0000-0003-2569-6027
  • RSCI SPIN-code: 9424-7920
  • AuthorID: 642192

  • Education
    • European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble, France (January,1999 - February,1999), Certificate
    • Leningrad State University, Department of Mathematics (September 1985 - June 1988) - State Certificate (Mathematics).
    • Institute of Management and Programming (St.Petersburg), Department of Programming (February, 1985 - April,1985) - State Certificate (Programming on IBM computers).
    • Department of Oceanography, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St.Petersburg, Russia, September 1977 - June 1982, First-class MS diploma in physical oceanography

    Academic degrees
    • Doctor of science. Thesis title: “Hydrophysical processes shaping the regime of the Arctic Ocean in the Atlantic sector”, defended on November, 20, 2012 in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS. The rank was awarded by the Highest Attestation Commission of Russian Federation on September 30 2013.
    • Ph.D (Candidate of Science in physics and mathematics). Thesis title: “Antarctic Ocean Polar frontal zone structure mathematical modeling”, defended on March, 26,1992 in Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Professional activity
    • August 2017 – present time: Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State university, geography department, laboratory of regional oceanology (main)
    • September 2014 – December 2018: Hear of laboratory of Arctic hydrometeorology, Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Moscow, Russia (part time)
    • May 2010 – 2017: Affiliated Research Associate Professor of Oceanography, IARC University of Alaska Fairbanks USA (part time)
    • September 2009 – present time: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Leading Research Scientist (part time)
    • November 2008 – November 2012: Scottish Marine Institute (SMI), hydrodynamic/numerical modeler, numerical modeling of ocean circulation, oceanographic observations and their analysis (part time)
    • May 2004 – November 2008: IARC University of Alaska, Research Associate Professor, oceanographic observations in the Arctic Ocean, their analysis and mathematical modeling
    • 2001 – 2004: Institute of Marine Studies (IMS), University of Plymouth, postdoctoral research fellow (scientific advisor Prof. G.I. Shapiro), research work in physical oceanography, coordination of research cruises, teaching responsibilities
    • 1990 - 2000: Department of Ocean-Air Interaction, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), St. Petersburg, Russia, Junior – Leading Scientist, research work in physical oceanography, project and expedition management, lectureship in the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU)
    • 1986-1989: Department of Ocean Dynamics, RSHU, St. Petersburg, Russia, PhD student (scientific advisor Prof. N.P. Smirnov), postgraduate study
    • 1985: Department of Ocean Dynamics, RSHU, St. Petersburg, Russia, engineer-oceanographer, research work in physical oceanography
    • 1982-1984: Russian Military Air Forces, engineer- meteorologist, short-term weather forecasting

    Field experience:
    • 2019, March – May, R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov”, 61 days, Arctic Ocean, Co-Chief scientist
    • 2018, August-September, R/V “AkademikTryoshnikov”, 56 days, Arctic Ocean, Chief scientist
    • 2015, August-September, R/V “AkademikTryoshnikov”, 46 days, Arctic Ocean, Chief scientist
    • 2014, May, R/V “Helmer Hanssen”, 15 days, Fram Strait, physical oceanographer
    • 2014, January, R/V “Helmer Hanssen”, 10 days, Fram Strait, physical oceanographer
    • 2013: R/V “AkademikFedorov”, 33 days, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Arctic Basin, Chief scientist
    • 2013 R/V “Professor Mplchanov”, 12 days, Barents Sea, invited lecturer
    • 2009 I/B “KapitanDranitsyn”, 24 days, Arctic Ocean, co-chief scientist
    • 2009 RRS “Discovery”, 25 days, Atlantic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 2008: I/B “KapitanDranitsyn”, 30 days, Arctic Ocean, Chief Scientist
    • 2007: R/V “Victor Buinitskiy”, 40 days, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 2006: I/B “KapitanDranitsyn”, 27 days, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 2005: R/V “Lance”, 21 days, Greenland Sea, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 2004: R/V “Lance”, 19 days, Greenland Sea, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 2004: R/V “Akademik”, 12 days, Black Sea, Deputy - Chief Scientist
    • 2000: R/V “AkademikFedorov”, 60 days, Canadian Basin, Arctic Ocean, Chief scientist
    • 1998: R/V “AkademikFedorov”, 30 days, Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean, Deputy-Chief scientist
    • 1997: R/V “Polarstern”, 47 days, Barents Sea, Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 1996: R/V “Polarstern”, 62 days, Kara Sea, Nansen Basin, Amundsen Basin, Arctic Ocean, physical oceanographer
    • 1993: R/V “Professor Multanovsky”, 45 days, Greenland Sea, physical oceanographer
    • 1988: R/V “Professor Dorofeev”, 30 days, Baltic Sea, head of meteorological group
    • 1980: R/V “Semen Volkov”, 135 days, South China Sea, Indian Ocean, physical oceanographer
    1979: R/V “Nerey”, 18 days, Baltic Sea, apprentice-oceanographer

    Research field
    Experimental investigations of the Arctic Ocean water masses and circulation. Mathematical modelling of dense water formation on shelves and downslope cascading. Investigation of deep water convection in the Nordic Seas. Studies of the climate change in the Arctic. Investigation of relationship between the Arctic sea ice retreat and variation of water properties in the Arctic Ocean. Studies of the ocean-air interactions in the marginal ice zones.

    Participation in research projects:
    • 2017 – 2019, Changing Arctic Transpolar System (CATS), Russian-German collaborative project, PI, AARI
    • 2014 – 2018, Comprehensive forecast of hydrometeorological processes in the Arctic, Russian Science Foundation, PI, Hydrometeorological Center of Russia
    • 2012 – 2018, Collaborative Research: Eurasian and Makarov basins observational network targets changes in the Arctic Ocean, Co-PI, IARC
    • 2012 – 2017, Collaborative Research: Upper ocean heat flux in the Eurasian Basin: Oceanic thermodynamic forcing contributing to Arctic ice loss, IARC PI
    • 2012 – 2014, International Collaboration within ACE to improve predictive capabilities of Arctic sea ice, AARI PI
    • 2011 – 2015, Arctic Climate Change Economy and Society (ACCESS), EU FP7, AARI PI
    • 2011 – 2012, Fluxes Across Sloping Topography of the North East Atlantic, NERC consortium project FASTNET, participant
    • 2008 – 2011, Quantifying the role of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions in shaping recent reduction of ice cover in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, co-PI
    • 2008- 2011, A testable high-resolution ecosystem for inshore waters, co-PI
    • 2004– 2009, Nansen Amundsen Basin Observational System (NABOS), project participant, co-PI
    • 2004: Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project, UN, cruise co-ordinator
    • 2000-2003: European Union INTAS 99-1600, "Dense water overflow off continental shelves (cascading)", leader of AARI team, participant of the University of Plymouth team since 2001
    • 1998-2000: European Union INTAS 97-1277, “Detection and modeling of greenhouse warming in the Arctic and sub-Arctic”, project participant.
    • 1995-1998: Russian Ministry of Science and Technology, “Key climate shaping ocean processes in the Arctic Ocean”, principle investigator
    • 1995-1996: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR 95-07-19125, "Information System for studying climate-reflecting ocean processes”, principal investigator.
    • 1994-1995: International Science Foundation, NSF300, “Climate variability in the “ocean-air-land” system and role of oceanic processes in high latitudes”, leader of oceanographic team.

    Scientific expertise:
    • American Geophysical Union
    • Russian Federal expert group in science and technology FGBI NII RINKTSE Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation: certificate #06-00166.
    • Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences: certificate # 10108-509

    Selected publications:
    Total number of peer-reviewed publications 81 (1995-2021).

    1. Ivanov V.V., A. V. Smirnov, V. A. Alexeev, N.V. Koldunov, I.A. Repina, and V.A. Semenov, 2018, Contribution of convection-induced heat flux to winter ice decay in the Western Nansen Basin, Journ. Geophys. Res., 123, 1-17; DOI: 10.1029/2018JC013995.
    2. Ivanov V., I.Repina. The Effect of Seasonal Variability of Atlantic Water on the Arctic Sea Ice Cover. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 54(1), 65-72; DOI 10.1134/S0001433818010061.
    3. Ivanov V.V., Golovin P.N. Influence of Atlantic Water on the Sea Ice Cover in the Western Arctic in Winter. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2018, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 103–117.
    4. Ivanov V., V. Alexeev, N.V. Koldunov, I.A. Repina, A.B. Sandoe, L.H. Smedsrud and A. Smirnov, 2016, Arctic Ocean Heat Impact on Regional Ice Decay: A Suggested Positive Feedback, Journ. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 1437-1456, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0144.1 WOS:000376153300002, ISSN: 0022-3670, eISSN: 1520-0485
    5. Ivanov V., P.Maslov, Ye. Aksenov, A. Coward, Shelf-Basin Exchange in the Laptev Sea in the Warming Climate: a model study, Geophys. Astophys. Fluid Dyn., 2015, 254-280, doi=10.1080/03091929.2015.1025776, WOS:000357093200005 http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/03091929.2015.1025776
    6. Ivanov, V., Z. Gudkovich, V. Karklin, S. Frolov, I. Ashik, T. Alexeeva and I. Repina, Navigation around the Northern Eurasia under Changing Sea Ice Conditions: Opportunities and Hazards, Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR International Symposium on ICE 2014 (IAHR-ICE 2014), 553-560, 2014, ISBN: 978-981-09-0750-1, web-site: http://rpsonline.com.sg/iahr-ice14/html/1163.xml
    7. Ivanov V.V. and E. Watanabe, Does Arctic sea ice reduction foster shelf–basin exchange? 2013, Ecological Applications, 23(8), 2013, pp. 1765–1777.Doi:10.1890/11-1069.1
    8. Ivanov V.V., E.O. Aksenov, Atlantic Water transformation in the eastern Nansen Basin: observations and modelling, 2013, ProblemyArctiki, 1(95), 72-87 (in Russian with English abstract)
    9. Ivanov V.V., Alexeev V.A., Alexeeva T.A., Koldunov N.V., Repina I.A., Smirnov A.V. Does Arctic Ocean Ice Cover Become Seasonal? // IssledovaniyeZemliizkosmosa. 2013, ¹ 4. ñ. 50–65
    10. Ivanov V.V., Alexeev V.A., Repina I.A., Koldunov N.V., Smirnov A.V. Tracing Atlantic Water signature in the Arctic sea ice cover east of Svalbard // Advances in Meteorology. 2012. Vol. 2012. Article ID 201818. 11 pages doi:10.1155/2012/201818
    11. Ivanov V.V., Intensification of Water Exchange between the Shelf and the Arctic Basin in Conditions of Ice Depletion, 2011, Doklady Earth Sciences, 2011, Vol. 441, Part 1, pp. 1533–1536, DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X11110043
    12. Ivanov V.V. Observations of dense water cascading from Franz Joseph Land shelf, 2011, In: Oceanography and Sea Ice, Ed. I.Frolov, Moscow, Paulsen publ., 169-177 (in Russian)
    13. Ivanov V.V., I.V. Polyakov, I.A. Dmitrenko, E. Hansen, I.A. Repina, S.S. Kirillov, C. Mauritzen, H. Simmons, L.A. Timokhov, Seasonal Variability in Atlantic Water off Spitsbergen, 2009, Deep Sea Research I, 56, 1-14, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.07.013
    14. Ivanov V.V., P.N. Golovin, Observations and modeling of dense water cascading from the Laptev Sea shelf, 2007, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C09003, doi:10.1029/2006JC003882
    15. Ivanov V.V., G.I.Shapiro, Formation of dense water cascade in the marginal ice zone in the Barents Sea, 2005, Deep Sea Res., Part I, 52, 1699-1717
    16. Ivanov V.V., G.I.Shapiro, J.M. Huthnance, D.M. Aleynik, P.N. Golovin, Cascades of dense water around the World Ocean, 2004, Progress in Oceanography, 60, 47-98
    17. Ivanov V.V., S.V.Lukianov S.V., A.V. Pnyushkov, Flow Structure near an Island in a Shallow Strait, 2001. Water resources C/C of Vodnyeresursy, ISSN 0097-8078, 28(5), 523-527
    18. Ivanov V.V., A.A. Korablev, Formation and Regeneration of the Pycnocline Lens in the Norwegian Sea, 1995. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology c/c of Meteorologia I Hydrologia, ISSN 1068-3739, N9, 62-69
    19. Ivanov V.V., A.A. Korablev, Interpycnocline Lens Dynamics in the Norwegian Sea, 1995. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology c/c of Meteorologia I Hydrologia, ISSN 1068-3739 N 10, 32-37.